Empress Garden, Kavade Mala, Ghorpadi, Pune


Rupa Rahul Bajaj Centre For Environment And Art.

The Rupa Rahul Bajaj Centre for Environment & Art (RRBCEA) was established on 7th Sep 2018 with the vision of building a world class platform for environmental awareness and education through art.


Mission for RRBCEA has been

Helping people appreciate biodiversity and nature with the help of various art forms

Educating citizens about environment and scientific values through public participation and collaborations.

Building and maintaining world class resources for environmental education and research

Why Environment and Art?

Most art forms take inspiration from nature surrounding us and strengthen human connection with nature. Art brings people together beyond barriers of age, sex, profession, religion, language, interests and political views. It is a powerful medium to connect people together and to convey message to masses. We at RRBCEA want to use music, dance, literature, painting, poetry, drama, sculpting, paper art, rangoli, culinary art, floral art and many other art forms to take our message of being connected with nature and protecting it.

To fulfil the mission the centre undertakes many activities like regular nature walks, workshops focusing on art, nature appreciation, science, climate change and sustainability etc. It engages and collaborates with the general public, school children, youth, social and environmental organizations etc. to further its cause.

Architect And
Architectural Design

Christopher Charles Benninger is one of India’s highly decorated architects. He is an American-Indian Designer, Planner, Educator, and the Founder of School of Planning in Ahmedabad (CEPT), Center of Development Studies and Activities (CDSA) in Pune and his company Christopher Charles Benninger Architects (CCBA).

He designed the premises of Rupa Rahul Bajaj Center for Environment and Art (RRBCEA) with basic intent of giving visitors an ‘out of the box’ experience of their surrounding environment. RRBCEA structure seamlessly integrates into the natural settings of the century old British era Empress Botanical Garden, Pune. With its central open-to-sky amphitheatre, flowing wide corridors and natural diffused lighting achieved by skylights, visiting the center is a refreshing experience for architectural students and other visitors too.

The thought behind design of this building and its architectural details can be found here: https://ccba.in/project/2676/

In the architect’s own words:


Client Testimonials

“ Impressively designed complex. It is poised to achieve its goals”
- Dr. H. Sahni
“It's a great concept which will change the mindset of people and increase awareness. Thanks!”
- Mr. Rajendra Kharat
“Truly Inspirational and extremely useful for green environment.”
- Mr. Ratan Kumar

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