Themed exhibits
RRBCEA has developed nature related exhibits to engage visitors with different themes in natural world.
RRBCEA has developed nature related exhibits to engage visitors with different themes in natural world. These interactive exhibits tell you interesting facts about plants, birds, insects through pictures, information, artistic illustrations and games.
Exhibitions are a beautiful way of connecting people to a specific topic in focus. They bring the public’s attention to the most simplest of things that exist around them in a creative manner. We here at RRBCEA strive to make nature interpretation as easy and as fun as possible. We have themed exhibits so that people get aware and connected to nature and the biodiversity around them.
Story of Water
Water is the source of all living things on earth, it is the life giving element. It has been on our planet for billions of years and has been instrumental in giving birth to lifeforms. It has existed through all extinctions massive or otherwise and sets our planet apart from all the others in our galaxy! Such is the “Story of water”. Witness it in our exhibit through panels, stories, poems, games and hands-on activities.
This exhibition theme will last till the end of September.
Credits: Drains and springs game – Wipro Foundation
River Illustration by Suvarna Dhavalikar
#Water #StoryOfWater #WaterConservation #TradiotionalWater #OriginOfWater #RRBCEA
Winged Wonders
Rupa Rahul Bajaj Center for Environment and Art is back with another brand new exhibition. Feathered friends are all around us even more so in the green spaces of the city. This time our focus is on ‘Winged Wonders: Exploring the world of birds’. Come experience the feathered friends of Empress Botanical Garden through informative panels, games, stories and so much more.
The exhibition is on display till 15th May 2024, 11am-5 pm all days of the week. Do visit this exhibition at RRBCEA.
Birds in Indian literature: Mr. S.D Gharat , Kaushal Shah, Rohan Dahotre, Shubhada sahastrabuddhe
Bird models: Mr. Rajiv and Shashank Mahimkar
#BirdsAroundUs #BirdsOfEmpressBotanicalGarden #FeatheredFriends #Birds #Nature #Zoology #RRBCEA
Tree Exhibit
They make their own food, they are the pioneers of the ecosystem, and they have been around since 370MYA. Wondering what these amazing creatures are?! They are trees. Trees and plants are an integral part of the ecosystem as they form the producer layer of the trophic chain. They are quite essential to human beings as they take up carbon dioxide and give out oxygen hence purifying the air.
To know more about these silently beautiful creatures come visit our tree exhibit at RRBCEA. The exhibition has informative panels, tree fables, observation stations, activity stations, and a kiddie corner. The exhibit will be on display till 31st December. Do visit RRBCEA to dwell in the fascinating world of these wooded wonders!
The Unexplored World of Insects
Insects have lived on the earth for millions of years, longer than even the ancient reptiles. There are more than a million types of insects in the world. Insects are found all over India from the icy Himalayas to the burning sands of the Thar Desert.
To explore the hidden beauty of such remarkable creatures RRBCEA brings to you “The Unexplored World of Insects”
An exhibition which has informative panels , hands on activities, games and some selected specimens of insects for display.
The exhibit will be on display till 31st July.
Birds and Migration
Our current interactive exhibits on “Birds and Migrations” include infographic boards on the spectacular journeys taken by birds every year across the world, migratory birds seen in Empress Botanical Garden, bird models, artistic illustrations on selected birds, games related birds. Do visit the exhibit for a unique experience.
Plant Exhibit
Our plant themed exhibit concluded in November 2022. The exhibit included infographics about plants in general and a collection of fruit, seeds, pods found in Empress Botanical Garden and interesting information about them.